Projekt dekoracji z okazji otwarcia salonu nowoczesnych technologii kosmetycznych all4beauty w Kwidzynie doczekał się szczęśliwego finału :)
Tutaj kilka migawek, a szerszy opis projektu na stronie Pracowni na poddaszu - klik! Zapraszam :)
I'd like to share with you some photos of our recently completed project :) The tissue poms, chalkboard bunting, cupcakes and Hamptons style pillows were all created in our studio to decorate a newly opened beauty salon in our town! We also added some decorative touches such as glass hurricane lamps with pillar candles and fresh flowers in glass vases.
* bibułkowe pompony *
I'd like to share with you some photos of our recently completed project :) The tissue poms, chalkboard bunting, cupcakes and Hamptons style pillows were all created in our studio to decorate a newly opened beauty salon in our town! We also added some decorative touches such as glass hurricane lamps with pillar candles and fresh flowers in glass vases.
* bibułkowe pompony *
* girlanda z chorągiewek z napisem *
* babeczki *
* poduszki i szklane lampiony *
* dekoracyjne akcenty na parapetach gabinetów *
* świeże kwiaty w szklanych wazonach *
Piękne dekoracje na otwarcie salonu.Gratulacje !. Pozdrawiam.